Third party liability insurance

A legal entity may encounter a number of unexpected events and accidents during the period of its entrepreneurial activity. In most cases, these situations lead to damages and losses to third parties.

With this type of insurance, the income generated due to the partial or complete suspension of commercial activity or the weakening of production as a result of damages and losses caused to movable and immovable properties used when any commercial activity is carried out, due to the risks guaranteed by property insurance against fire and other risks losses are provided by the insurer as specified in the insurance certificate.

A legal entity may encounter a number of unexpected events and accidents during the period of its entrepreneurial activity. In most cases, these situations lead to damages and losses to third parties. Azersigorta offers Third party liability insurance to corporate clients to protect themselves from such unexpected situations and the damages caused by them and to ensure that the damages are covered in a reliable manner. With the Third Party Liability Insurance, you will be able to get insurance coverage based on the claims and demands made against the loss or damage to the life, health and property of third parties as a result of the circumstances considered to be an insured event that may occur during the period of validity of the insurance certificate.

To get this insurance product, you may contact customer service centers of "Azərsığorta" and call the number *1200.


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